First Day of Preschool!

Smile Spencer started preschool today. I decided it was probable more stressful for me.  I worry about him all the time.

He wasn’t overly excited about it, but he was excited when he remembered he got to go play on the playground.  We got there, and Spencer left me to go to the playground without a backward glance.

He’s never really had issues leaving me, so it’s not something I was surprised about.  I’m actually glad he’s this way, it makes it so much easier to leave him there (it won’t always be that way, but for the most part it will).  Thursday is the long day of his normal weekly schedule.  A nervous day for me to start him on, but that’s when the school started.  He’ll normally do a half day on Tuesday, Wednesday and then the long day on Thursday.

His teacher called me after lunch (because I asked her to) to tell me that he was doing well, but they’d had their moments. I’m so glad we had gone to see her a few days before and get comfortable in the classroom by himself and shared information about his Asperger’s with her.  She was not surprised when he didn’t want stay with the group during circle time or would rather do a puzzle by himself.

She did tell me that he was interacting with other kids, and trying hard, which is really difficult for him.  We are so hopeful that he will get better and learn interact better with his peers.  His teacher is absolutely wonderful and so willing to work with him.

All in all, Spencer’s first day was a good day.  Lets hope with have more good days than less than good days.

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